An event-full year comes to an end. To summarize, this was the year of challenges.
With our small team we answered thousands of inquiries, optimized the entire electronics, made countless CAD designs and adjustments, programmed the firmware, secured the finances of the company, implemented the production processes in close cooperation with our manufacturer, defined use cases, programmed the prototype web portal and carried out various tests, including the field test. The procurement of the materials has been secured, legal clarifications have been made, knowledge has been obtained with regard to standardization and certification and a lot of general administrative work has been done.
But what is our current standing? Our manufacturer will put the final touches  on the print layout between Christmas and New Year and then produce the prints. The aim is that our manufacturer produces a small number of prototypes from beginning to end, including the purchase of materials. This test run allows our manufacturer to review all production processes. Once this is done, we will be able to define production and delivery deadlines.
It has now become very cold, although we have no snow in the lowlands of Switzerland. Topolino has been making himself comfortable in the office for some time now and is keeping up an active refusal to work, meaning he has zero interest in going outside into the cold with his collar. Fortunately, we have already completed our tests. 🙂
We wish you a very merry Christmas and only the best for the new year.
Kind regards
Alan & Claudio