Tools Manufacturing
It is done! We have received the sample parts and have already processed them into collars. We are really happy! They look beautiful and the material itself feels very pleasant. At this point we would like to give a big thank you to our tools manufacturer. The tools for the collar are very complex and only minor corrections need to be done. Very well done! This, of course, means we should be able to stick to our schedule.
We will also increase the colour intensity in the soft component of the collar as it is slightly too transparent. One of our test cats is already wearing our new collar and is testing it extensively.
The HomeStation (receiver and charger) is also very nice. Now we can soon start with the big production. An absolutely exciting phase! 🙂
Cornfield- Test
We were asked by several cat holders whether our collar also works well in cornfields. Especially in hot weather, many cats go into cornfields searching for the pleasant shadow and hunting for mice. We have taken this question seriously and fortunately found a corn field nearby (not many are left). The test was very positive. Cornfields do not pose a challenge for our collar. The corn grows very straight into the sky and the farmer leaves about 40-50cm distance in between. This allows for very good visibility to the satellites and the location of the cat or collar itself is very accurate. Here are the pictures of the tests.
It has to be noted that the farmers will usually not be happy for cat owners to wander about in their cornfields.
If someone wants to have further scenarios tested or wants to find out if the collar works in a certain place or environment then please contact us. Maybe we have already tested this or would then carry out the appropriate tests.
We hope everyone a good week.
Kind regards,
Alan & Claudio