We’ll keep this update short as another one is on its way. We have some very good news!
Tools Manufacturing
The tools for mass production have now been created and we have already received the first pictures of the samples. The samples themselves are now on their way to us to Switzerland and upon receipt we will check them carefully to make sure that everything is perfect. We are back on schedule and there is nothing else foreseen that could lead to more delays.
Web portal
We have also completed our new web portal in the meantime and have tested it internally. From this week on our testers will switch to our new web portal one by one and start to test it. At the same time we will be working on improving and optimizing it even further.
We have now created a factsheet which explains the product itself, its functionality and its most important features. It can also be downloaded from our online shop and forwarded to potential buyers: petTracer Factsheet.
In less than 3 months we will be delivering the first collars and we are really looking forward to it. We will be even more pleased when cat owners won’t have to be afraid anymore of losing their cats thanks to our collar.
We wish everyone a nice week.
Kind regards,
Alan & Claudio